Mian Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif
Prime Minister Islamic Republic Of Pakistan
Bureau was setup on 1st October, 1971 with the amalgamation of three federal government departments viz. i) National Manpower Council ii) Protectorate of Emigrants and iii) Directorate of Seamen’s Welfare under the directive of Government of Pakistan, Bureau started functioning under the Emigration Act of 1922...read more...
The Ministry of Overseas Pakistanis & Human Resource Development was created in July 2013, from a merger of Ministry of Over... read more...
It is an honour to be posted as Director General, Bureau of Emigration & Overseas Employment. Overseas employment is playing a vital role in reducing the pressure of un-employment at home...read more...
Since inception of the Bureau in the year 1971, more than 10 million emigrants have been provided overseas employment duly registered with the Bureau of Emigration & Overseas Employment. During the year 2015, highest number of Pakistanis(946,571) proceeded abroad for the purpose of employment. During the year 2025 (February), 50,030 Pakistanis proceeded abroad for the purpose of employment.
Graph showing the number of emigrants over the years 1971 to 2025 (February):
Prime Minister Islamic Republic Of Pakistan
Federal Minister
M/o OP & HRD
Federal Minister
Ministry of Overseas Pakistanis and Human Resource Development
Parliamentary Secretary
M/o OP & HRD
Parliamentary Secretary
Ministry of Overseas Pakistanis and Human Resource Development
Federal Secretary
M/o OP & HRD
Federal Secretary
Ministry of Overseas Pakistanis and Human Resource Development
Director General