Bureau of Emigration & Overseas Employment - Government of Pakistan

Bureau of Emigration & Overseas Employment

Government of Pakistan

List of Overseas Employment Promoters (OEPs)

Showing 1 - 50 licences of the total 493 licences.

Licence No. Proprietor Name Licence Title Status Expiry Date OEP Head Office Branch Office(s)
0363 / PWR Mian Recruiting Agency Cancelled
1717 / PWR Mushtarqa Enterprises Surrendered
1268 / PWR Amin Recruiting Agency Expired
2221 / PWR Macca Recruiting Agency Surrendered
0604 / PWR Malik M Aslam Surrendered
1747 / PWR nil Kakul International Cancelled
1349 / PWR Amber OEP Surrendered
1771 / PWR nil Marguz Overseas Cancelled
1401 / PWR Kabil Enterprises Surrendered
1078 / PWR Azeez Recruiting Agency Surrendered
1612 / PWR Hangu Enterprises Surrendered
1870 / PWR Bannu Overseas Agency Surrendered
0475 / PWR Arab Foreign Services Surrendered
1659 / PWR Shamal Overseas Agency Cancelled
1119 / PWR Malik Fahad Recruiting Agency Surrendered
2182 / PWR Barani Recruiting Agwency Expired
0208 / PWR Mah Recruiting Agency Expired
1245 / PWR Tera Recruiting Agency Cancelled
0602 / PWR Muhammad Rafique Surrendered
1325 / PWR Super Star International Surrendered
2077 / PWR Aryana Express Surrendered
1761 / PWR Tip Top Enterprises Surrendered
1385 / PWR Zareen Recruiting Agency Surrendered
1783 / PWR Abbatt Recruiting Agency Cancelled
1477 / PWR Gul Shad City International Cancelled Room No.I Amir Plaza Bus Stand, Kalat, Balochistan
1068 / PWR United Promoter Ltd Surrendered
2126 / PWR Abu Anas Enterprises Expired
1837 / PWR Mhamand Khel Recruiting Agency Surrendered
2162 / PWR Tariq Overseas Surrendered
0243 / PWR Hashmat Ali Khan Recruiting Agency Surrendered
1115 / PWR Naveed Recruiting Agency Expired
2177 / PWR Asra Feel Recruiting Agency Surrendered
0080 / PWR S.S Ghulam Hassan Surrendered
1698 / PWR Jaja OEP Cancelled
1190 / PWR Hamza Recruiting Agency Cancelled
2209 / PWR nil Chief Corporation Surrendered
0356 / PWR Malik Safdar Hussain Surrendered
1706 / PWR nil Al-Yar Overseas Cancelled
1239 / PWR Khattak Recruiting Agency Surrendered
0564 / PWR Fida Muhammad Khan Surrendered
1324 / PWR Adnan Zai Recruiting Agency Surrendered
2075 / PWR Hayatabad Recruiting Agency Surrendered
1371 / PWR Haya Recruiting Agency Surrendered
1466 / PWR Al Kamran Khan Surrendered
2313 / PWR nil Chamkli Surrendered
2111 / PWR R Sheen Corporation Expired
2333 / PWR Not available Assama International Surrendered
1043 / PWR Mashood Recruiting Agency Surrendered
2125 / PWR Travel Zone Expired
1833 / PWR The Engineers OMRC Expired

Showing 1 - 50 licences of the total 493 licences.