Bureau of Emigration & Overseas Employment - Government of Pakistan

Bureau of Emigration & Overseas Employment

Government of Pakistan

Job Details
Job title NURSE Salary 4000 - 4300 Rial (SAR)
Available / Total Jobs 100 / 100 Place of Duty KSA, Saudi Arabia
Job Description Receive the assigned patients as per the daily assignments: Apply Nursing Care process to assigned patient as per the approved policy. Develop individualized Nursing Care plan reflecting collaboration with other team members. Monitor patient status, reporting any deviation / abnormal findings to team leader and doctor on duty within time frame. Carry out doctor’s order in an accurate and timely manner. Provide individualized patient / family education as per their needs.
Job Benefits
  • Free Accommodation: Yes, AS PER COMPANY POLICY
  • Free Ticket: Yes, AS PER COMPANY POLICY
  • Free Medical: Yes, AS PER COMPANY POLICY
  • Health Insurance: Yes, AS PER COMPANY POLICY
  • Free Transportation: Yes, AS PER COMPANY POLICY
Permission No. 3373072 Offer Expiry Date 19/06/2025
Overseas Employment Promoter (OEP) Details
OEP Licence 3147/LHR , Edge Manpower Services Valid
OEP Contact Muhammad Ayaz Mahmood , 58 H-2, Johar Town, Lahore , Lahore , Punjab
Phone No: 042-35316119
Mobile No: 03331462518
Fax No: 042-35316119
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.edgemanpower.com