Bureau of Emigration & Overseas Employment - Government of Pakistan

Bureau of Emigration & Overseas Employment

Government of Pakistan

List of Overseas Employment Promoters (OEPs)

Showing 1 - 50 licences of the total 5117 licences.

Licence No. Proprietor Name Licence Title Status Expiry Date OEP Head Office Branch Office(s)
0475 / PWR Arab Foreign Services Surrendered
0635 / LHR Suleman Beig Surrendered
1380 / MTN Not available Ramzan Overseas Surrendered
2614 / LHR Galagary Overseas Employment Surrendered
1073 / RWP Murree Hills Surrendered
0108 / KAR Abdul Recruiting Agency Expired
1041 / KAR Majid Enterprises Expired
0042 / KAR M.H Recruiting Agency Cancelled
1077 / KAR M.K Services Cancelled
0945 / RWP State Travel & OEP Surrendered
0913 / RWP Samar Enterprises Cancelled
1081 / LHR Ascom Expired
0885 / LHR First Inter services Surrendered
0427 / KAR Hazir Limited Cancelled
1085 / LHR Sakeel Corporation Surrendered
0820 / RWP Sawan Enterprises Surrendered
0529 / LHR Danpar International Surrendered
1053 / RWP Azeem Enterprises Surrendered
0787 / LHR Al Murtaza International Surrendered
1021 / LHR Hiba International Cancelled
0604 / PWR Malik M Aslam Surrendered
1089 / LHR Manj International Expired
0925 / LHR Raza Hassan International Cancelled
0574 / KAR Peoples Recruiting Agencey Cancelled
0298 / KAR National General services Establishment Cancelled
1093 / LHR Al-Watan OEP Surrendered
0961 / LHR Land Mark R/A Expired
1029 / LHR Wana Brothers Cancelled
1097 / RWP Al Ahmed Enterprises Cancelled
1065 / LHR Khan Recruiting Agency Surrendered
0373 / KAR Pak Islamia Agency Cancelled
1033 / LHR Sidra Manpower Cancelled
0901 / RWP Fawad Recruiting Agency Surrendered
0766 / LHR Experties Techno Expert Sialko Expired
1001 / LHR Bismillah International Surrendered
0937 / LHR Al- Khalid Agency Cancelled
1037 / LHR Khaleej Manpower Surrendered
1005 / KAR Sarsabz international Expired
1698 / PWR Jaja OEP Cancelled
1431 / LHR Arsla Trading Recruiting Agency Expired
1293 / RWP Valina OEP Surrendered
1150 / RWP Al-Yasrib Consultants Surrendered
1666 / LHR Somestic Enterprises Expired
1398 / RWP Glabex Corporation Surrendered
1257 / RWP Al Khaleej Manpower Surrendered
1116 / LHR Saba International Surrendered
1766 / RWP Camec International Surrendered
1633 / RWP Not available Al- Mazan Enterprises Cancelled
1363 / LHR Gulburg International Surrendered
1222 / RWP Toor Corporation Surrendered

Showing 1 - 50 licences of the total 5117 licences.